Model Description


Model Purpose

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) describes MUSE 2.0 (ModUlar energy systems Simulation Environment). The purpose of MUSE is to provide users with a framework to simulate pathways of energy system transition, usually in the context of climate change mitigation.

Model Scope

MUSE is an Integrated Assessment Modelling framework that is designed to enable users to create and apply an agent-based model that simulates a market equilibrium on a set of user-defined commodities, over a user-defined time period, for a user-specified region or set of regions. MUSE was developed to simulate approaches to climate change mitigation over a long time horizon (e.g. 5-year steps to 2050 or 2100), but the framework is generalised and can therefore simulate any market equilibrium.

Overall Description


MUSE 2.0 is the successor to MUSE. The original MUSE framework is open-source software available on GitHub, coded in Python. MUSE 2.0 is implemented following re-design of MUSE to address a range of legacy issues that are challenging to address via upgrades to the existing MUSE framework, and to implement the framework in the high-performance Rust language.

MUSE is classified as a recursive dynamic modelling framework in the sense that it iterates on a single time period to find a market equilibrium, and then moves to the next time period. Agents in MUSE have limited foresight, reacting only to information available in the current time period.

This is distinct from intertemporal optimisation modelling frameworks (such as TIMES and MESSAGEix) which have perfect foresight over the whole modelled time horizon.

Model Concept

MUSE 2.0 is a bottom-up engineering-economic modelling framework that computes a price-induced supply-demand equilibrium on a set of user-defined commodities. It does this for each milestone time period within a user-defined time horizon. This is a "partial equilibrium" in the sense that the framework equilibrates only the user-defined commodities, as opposed to a whole economy.

MUSE 2.0 is data-driven in the sense that model processing and data are entirely independent, and user-defined data is at the heart of how the model behaves. It is also "bottom-up" in nature, which means that it requires users to characterise each individual process that produces or consumes each commodity, along with a range of other physical, economic and agent parameters.

At a high level, the user defines:

  1. The overall temporal arrangements, including the base time period, milestone time periods and time horizon, and within-period time slice lengths.

  2. The service demands for each end-use (e.g. residential heating, steel production), for each region, and how that demand is distributed between the user-defined time slices within the year. Service demands must be given a value for the base time period and all milestone time periods in each region.

  3. The existing capacity of each process (i.e. assets) in the base time period, and the year in which it was commissioned or will be decommissioned.

  4. The techno-economic attributes (e.g. capital cost, operating costs, efficiency, lifetime, input and output commodities, etc) of each process. This must include attributes of processes existing in the base time period (i.e. assets) and possible future processes that could be adopted in future milestone time periods.

  5. The agents that choose between technologies by applying search spaces, objectives and decision rules. Portions of demand for each commodity must be assigned to an agent, and the sum of these portions must be one.

The model takes this data, configures and self-checks, and then solves for a system change pathway:

  1. Initialisation
  2. Base Year Price Discovery
  3. Agent Investment
  4. Carbon Budget Solution (or CO2 Price Responsiveness)
  5. Find Prices for Next Milestone Year
  6. Recursively Solve Using Steps (3)-(5) for Each Milestone Year until End

Framework Processing Flow

At a high level, the MUSE 2.0 iterative solution concept is as follows:

1. Initialisation

Read input data, performing basic temporal set up, commodity and process/asset information. Consistency check is performed.

2. Base Year Price Discovery

Dispatch is executed to determine base year commodity production and consumption. The result is used to discover commodity prices in the calibrated base year (t0).

  1. Dispatch is solved for all assets and commodities in the system simultaneously, where existing assets (known from calibrated input data) are operated to meet demand, and to produce/consume any intermediate commodities required, and to meet environmental constraints if specified.

  2. Asset dispatch is merit order based but is subject to constraints that represent technical or other limits.

    • For processes, dispatch limits that can be defined are minimum, maximum and fixed capacity factors (i.e. percentage of capacity) that can be input per time slice, season or year.

    • For commodities, user-defined limits can be minimum, maximum or fixed total or regional output, input or net production by time slice, season or year.

  3. Price discovery is implemented via linear programming (cost minimisation). The objective function is the cost of operating the system over a year, which must be minimised. The decision variables are the commodity inputs and outputs of each asset. These are constrained by (a) the capacity of the asset and (b) the capacity factor limits by time slice/season/year. Energy commodity supply/demand must balance for SED (supply equals demand) type commodities, and all service demands (SVD commodities) must be met. Other commodity production or consumption may be subject to constraints (usually annual but could be seasonal/diurnal).

  4. Based on the resulting dispatch a time sliced price is calculated for each commodity using marginal pricing (i.e. the operational cost of the most expensive process serving a commodity demand). The result of this step is model-generated time sliced commodity prices for the base year, t0.

  5. The model then also calculates the prices of commodities that are not present in the base year, directly from input data. This could be done by calculating the marginal price of the process producing the commodity in question with the best objective value, where objective values are calculated using the utilisation of the next most expensive (marginal cost) asset in the dispatch stack, and commodity prices from the price discovery at step 3 above.

3. Agent Investment

The capacity investment of new assets required in the next milestone year are calculated as follows:

  1. End-of-life capacity decommissioning: Decommission assets that have reached the end of their life in the milestone year.

  2. Agent investment (service demand): For each service demand, for each agent that is responsible for a portion of that demand:

    • For assets, calculate objective value/s assuming the utilisation observed from dispatch for that asset in step (2) will persist. For assets this calculation does not include capital cost as this is sunk cost because the asset already exists.

    • For processes, calculate objective value/s assuming the utilisation observed from dispatch in step (2) for the asset with the marginal cost immediately above the marginal cost of this process (and respecting the processes' availability constraints). If the process has lower marginal cost than any asset, then assume full dispatch (subject to its availability constraints). If the process has the same marginal cost as an asset, assume the same utilisation as that asset. If the process has marginal cost higher than any asset, assume zero utilisation.

      Note: Could calculate utilisation using time slice level utilisation of asset with marginal cost immediately above the process, also taking into account capacity factor constraints -- would be more accurate in most cases (some complications, e.g. where asset/process has conflicting capacity factor constraints/utilisation).

    • Add assets/processes to the capacity mix starting with the one with the best objective value and keep adding them until sufficient capacity exists to meet demand in the milestone year. This step must respect process capacity constraints (growth, addition and overall limits).

      Issue 1: There is a circularity here. E.g. asset choices influence the dispatch of other assets, which in turn can influence objective values, which in turn can influence asset choices. An incomplete solution is to run dispatch again, update utilisations of assets and proposed new assets, and repeat step 3.2 again, to see if any asset's objective has deteriorated to the point where it can be replaced, and keep going around this loop until nothing changes between loops - but there will certainly be cases where this does not converge - what to do?

      Issue 2: Also, commodity prices influence dispatch (and thus objective value), so upstream decisions also impact outcome here. We're not worrying about this as it's a deliberate feature of MUSE - investors are assuming observed prices persist.

  3. Agent investment (commodities): For each commodity demanded, starting with those commodities consumed by the end-use assets (i.e. those assets that output a service demanded), calculate the capacity investments required to serve these commodity demands:

    • Run dispatch to determine final commodity demand related to all end use technologies. Determine production capacity required (output in each time slice) to serve this demand, for each commodity.

    • Follows step 3.2 above to determine capacity mix for each commodity.

    • Continue this process, moving further upstream, until there are no commodity demands left to serve.

      Issue 3: Circularities here, e.g. power system capacity is required to produce H2, but also H2 can be consumed in the power sector so H2 capacity is needed to produce it, which in turn requires more power system capacity. Could check if demand for each commodity has changed at the end of a run through all commodities, and if it has then run the capacity investment algorithm again for that commodity.

      Issue 4: What about commodities that are consumed but not produced, or produced but not consumed? Do this capacity investment step only for SED commodities? And also check for processes that consume non-balance commodities, and check if they can make money - invest in them if they do - requires specific objective of NPV.

  4. Decision-rule-based capacity decommissioning: Decommission assets that were not selected in steps 3.2-3.3. This could happen when, for example, carbon prices are high and emitting assets become unfavorable as a result (e.g. operating them is too expensive and cannot compete with new technology even though the latter has capital cost included).

4. Carbon budget solution (or CO2 price responsiveness)

Steps (2)-(3) are initially run with the CO2 price from the previous milestone year. After completion, run dispatch with a CO2 budget equal to the user prescribed level (if it exists), and record the resulting CO2 price (dual solution of the CO2 constraint). If CO2 price is less than zero then re-run dispatch without the budget constraint and set CO2 price to zero. Alternatively, a user might specify a CO2 price for the whole time horizon, and no carbon budget, in which case the model runs dispatch with the specified carbon price relating to each milestone year in steps (2)-(3) and no further processing is needed here.

Issue 5: If there is no solution, then budget cannot be met (warn the user), and re-run dispatch without the budget constraint. In this case, what should the CO2 price be set to?

5. Find Prices for next Milestone Year

Using the CO2 price from step (4), run dispatch again (note this is not needed if running dispatch with the CO2 budget found a solution, because that will be the correct system dispatch). This determines the prices and final commodity consumption and production for the present milestone year, record results. Use these prices and perform steps (2) and (3) above for the next milestone year, alongside calculated prices for any commodities not present in the system (as per step 2.5).

6. Recursively Solve Using Steps (3)-(5) for Each Milestone Year until End

The model then moves to the next milestone time period and repeats the process, beginning with prices from the last-solved time period. This process continues until the end of the time horizon is reached.